City and Colour

Is so cool. He is an amazingly talented guy I love his music, his voice is very soothing even when his lyrics aren't. My favorite of his songs so far is The Girl. I anyone happened to come across on of or all of his lovely cds and let me borrow/ have them that would be cool haha...

some lyrics from the song

I wish I could do better by you, cause its what you deserve. You sacrifice so much of your whole life in order for this to work.While I'm off chasing my own dreams, sailing around the world, please know that I'm yours to keep, my beautiful girl.When you cry a piece of my heart dies, knowing that I may have been the cause,

here's two questions since the first one is short and I didn't do one yesterday...

12. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? Joyful
13.Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? Somewhat, I don’t complain a whole lot which is good and I will to things for you and make you feel at home in my place, I give great advice and I believe I have a little wisdom, but I’m not open enough, I do not share enough about my life to anyone, a lot of times I’m too lazy to go out of my way for a friend, but on a good day I will. Who knows?

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