
Okay soo, 37 days until school is over :D

On Thursday my roommate and I are hosting a Happy Birthday Mr. Feeny party, we are so incredibly excited! (if you don't know who he is leave now... seriously) We are baking a cake and decorating and everything (:

I am not better yet so don't let this post fool you, but I want to be better, so therefore I am going to try. I'm going to try to stop throwing myself a pity party and try to be happy.

I was talking to a few of my friends tonight and they were saying nice things about me like that I'm fun, awesome, random, bubbly, gorgeous, etc. but I'm not bragging, the point is, it made me realize that even if he doesn't love me, they do, even if it is just a little bit, and they're all here for me when I need them. I've been so angry lately and  I think, hopefully, that I am finally getting past that. I'm tired of being upset with my friends who don't deserve it. I am going to be a better person. I want to try to be at least. I want to be nice, but at the same time I don't want to be a pushover, so I will try my hardest to be both. I'm not saying that I'm not still in the worst pain I have ever felt, because I am, but I'm finally ready to let myself heal now. It isn't going to be easy. Wish me luck.

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