If you really knew me you would know...

favorite color
favorite movie
my two biggest fears
favorite kind of ice cream
what I want to be when I grow up
two of my favorite bands
my favorite website
what i do the most on the internet
how i am currently doing
what my major is
a secret of mine
something i haven't told you ever, but you know anyway

I'm curious to see if anyone knows all these you could copy and paste the questions with the answers and leave them as a comment, or message me, it would probably make my day even if you didn't know the answers.


  1. favorite color-yellow

    favorite movie-the notebook

    my two biggest fears-getting your nails filed and getting lost in the ghetto of Saginaw

    favorite kind of ice cream- yellow

    what I want to be when I grow up-kindergarten teacher

    two of my favorite bands- imogean heap and colour me purple

    my favorite website-stumbleupon
    what i do the most on the internet-creep on karol

    how i am currently doing- meh

    what my major is-kid education

    a secret of mine- you secretly have want to steal kip

    something i haven't told you ever, but you know anyway- SADIE! those were for school!!!

  2. I'm cheating! I'm cheating!

    And dang, I wish I knew you that well. :P lolz

  3. i'm cheating? i don't get it?

  4. I'm cheating because, I looked at Karol's answers. :D Hah.

  5. but karol's is wrong mostly lmaoo

  6. I don't know that! I know your favorite color though! And the teaching of 3 year olds...and...you do enjoy Imogen Heap. Also: I feel like you're doing slightly better than meh. Or I hope so, anyway. :D
