
I had a dream that I was getting married to some guy. I have no clue who he was, but he had blond hair and I'm not really attracted to guys with blond hair, but I didn't really like him in the dream anyway, I guess I was settling. So the dream goes on and I end up marrying him, but it's weird because I'm wearing this short red and black dress and I wasn't acting like I was getting married. Then it skips ahead to the next day and I wake up to the sound of someone honking outside. I run out of bed and look out the window. Here's where it gets interesting/ confusing, there is a guy getting out of a blue truck, and in my mind it's Jon, but he looks like Chad Michael Murray haha. So I run as fast as possible downstairs and I ask him what is he doing here and all he says is, "You can't marry that guy". I'm like well too bad cause I already did last night. He goes on to tell me that he knows I didn't marry the guy because he knows me and he knows I wouldn't do that, and I end up admitting that I did not in fact marry the guy, it was just dress rehearsal.

 For the next few moments the guys has now turned into Jon and he is telling me that I can't marry this guy because I don't love him and that he loves me and I'm supposed to be with him and he's sorry he left blah blah blah. And I'm just like whatever you wouldn't have left me if you wanted to marry me. We argue about it for a while and the dream pretty much ends with me and him in my bedroom...

Just thought I would share.

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