Fine. Here it is haha.

I wrote a self motivation list for this summer, I'm super pumped about it.
Here it is.

Make Yourself Useful This Summer
·         Let go of Jon, stop thinking of all the romantic things you could try to do to get him back, you don’t need him. You WILL find someone better. Boys suck, men don’t (for the most part)
·         Be crafty. You know you want to and it won’t be hard. Make stuff for graduation presents, and make plans for your fantastic room next year.
·         Always dress for success. Start to care about how you look, NOT for other people, but for yourself, it will motivate you to do great things and when Jon sees you he will kick himself in the face.
·         Learn that you’re okay without having a male by your side. Flying solo can be good, it gives you freedom and you don’t have to plan around anyone else’s schedule. Not having a guy doesn’t make you alone.
·         Make your shallow friendships deep; if possible, don’t be afraid to let some people in. To get a little you have to give a little.
·         Stop acting sad, you can be happy, and you will be. Playing the sad lonely girl doesn’t make others sympathetic, it makes you sad and lonely.
·         Have a great time. Meet new people, do things you have never done and things that you’ve done a millions times that you love.
·         Get out of your comfort zone. That does mean things will be uncomfortable for a short period of time, but it will pass and what comes after has the potential to be great.
·         Don’t push yourself to be someone you’re not, just be a better version of yourself, you are FANTASTIC.
·         Go to garage sales every chance you get. They actually have some really great stuff. Dig through piles and find the treasure.
·         Get closer to God, read your Bible every day and do you devotions like you use to. Just because it doesn’t sound very good right now, doesn’t mean it won’t be good for you in the long run.
·         Don’t forget to write even though you’re not sad, future you, will still like the happy you.

I am going to do a ton of crafts this summer, and it will be awesome whoooo.

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