
I am continually surprised by everyday things that I feel like most people wouldn't be surprised by. I really think that the little surprises in life make up a vast majority of the great memories I have stored in my mind. Spending time with my friends teaches me so much. I have been contemplating whether or not I actually learn more from my peers than my professors.

I feel like all of the people I am around at this school are all super blessed with something special, some great ability, or characteristic that makes them stand out. There are so many talents here, and I'm not even talking about just the physical. I am always caught of guard by the things people say, or do, or create.

Because of these things I am slightly fearful of the future. I will have to leave this place, and these people in two years. That seems so close. I'm not the type of person to tell myself that I'll stay connected with them all either, I know that the reality is that I will be lucky if I seem a few of them once a year. I am sure that it will be fine, but there's still that small fear.

One of my favorite things that I have started with a few friends this semester is our Thursday night Denny's trips. There are four of us that regularly go and then every other week invite different groups of people. We have have groups as big as fifteen plus, and as small at seven. I love bringing different people. It helps me get to know a bunch of different people that I know but not very much. It also opens doors for all of the people that come to meet others. Besides getting to know the people it is fun. Beyond fun some nights, as I'm sure most of you know laughter grows the later into the night it gets, and it is great. When we have people come up to our table you learn a lot about the people actually sitting at the table with how they react to the situation. Anyway, it teaches me a lot and that was the point.

I love being a college student and have definitely grown a ton this year, I'm kind of sad it's almost over.

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