Camp and the likes

For those of you who didn't know I'm working at a camp for two months; I have been here for a week and I figured I would blog about everything worth writing about.

It has been good so far, and fairly interesting. On Monday I got here mid afternoon and was greeted by none of than my good friend James. He was a good welcoming committee. We then headed over to the director's house with him daughter to watch a cheesy sci-fi movie which I thoroughly enjoyed although I cannot say the same for them.

Tuesday quickly came along and more staff began to trickle in. Since it was staff training week we didn't have mich to do during the day. We spent it working and doing odd jobs around camp and there may have even been a little napping involved. Later that night we went out for ice cream as a group and completely over took the little shop with the group that was then about nine of us.

Wednesday was almost the same as Tuesday except we did not have any new staff arrivals. After we were done with are job of the day we headed over to a town about half an hour away and took a pit stop at the movie theater. The theater was really old and it was pretty cool inside. It still had what looked like all the old architecture, and even the old screens up. It was very cool to visit and watch a movie there. All of the staff besides another girl, Lilly, and I, went to see Snow White and the Huntsmen. Because Lilly and I had already seen it we instead went to Men in Black 3; it was super funny and overall pretty fantastic, I would see it again.

Thursday came next, surprise, surprise. I played my first game of paintball. It was very fun as it turns out. We played capture the flag and my team ended up defending first, although I was the second person shot I still enjoyed it and got some pretty great pictures.

Friday came along and we were ready for the weekend. But before the weekend was here we had some new staff member arrivals, Mark and Jin Hee. These two are students at New Tribes Bible Institute, which I am actually fairly familiar with, since it's only about fifteen minutes away from my school. Mark is from the Caribbean and Jin Hee is from South Korea. They are both here studying to be missionaries. After they arrived our weekend began so we decided to celebrate by first playing some octaball, and then, by going glow bowling. Both were very enjoyable, especially since during bowling we had a dance party and the entire bowling alley to ourselves.

Saturday James invited the staff over to his house for a barbecue. I took him home so I went with him around two o'clock. For the first time I got to meet his siblings, and I must say they are pretty great. His youngest brother kept giving me gaming tips and then after he was kicked off of the television by his older siblings we started playing a different video game. Who won? You may ask yourself, but of course the answer is James. After gaming it was getting late so we decided we should start making food before everyone got there. The food turned out great and everyone, for the most part, liked it. After dinner we had a bonfire and played some games. It was a great way to spend a beautiful Saturday.

Sunday everyone went to church except for me, but that's another story for another time. After we had our staff meeting in the afternoon we prepared for battle, and by that I mean a paintball war. Instead of capture the flag, this time we played woods ball, which is pretty much like war. While we were getting ready to head out into the battle field I had an interesting conversation with one of the guys, it goes as follows:
Me: *looks at Josh*
Josh: You know what, you make me feel insecure, stop looking at me.
Me: I make you feel insecure? That's good that means I'm breaking down your walls.
Josh: No, I don't have walls you just make me feel self conscious.
Me: Okay... How do I make you feel insecure
Josh: I don't know, you just like stare into my soul.
Me: Yeah I do tend to do that...

This was probably my favorite conversations of the week, I guess because being vulnerable and getting out of your comfort zone is the only way to grow and that is what happened to him.

Anyway, so now we are back to Monday.

Sorry this was super long I tried to keep it short, hopefully you enjoyed the summary of my week.

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