I love camp.

Camp this year was crazy. Crazy good, crazy bad, and everything in between. I told myself to never let time slip through my hands, I don't want to waste the time that God has given me here sitting around not appreciating it. In light of this I decided that I needed to do something great this summer and every summer after, and so I decided camp. This is the best choice I could have made.

Good News Camp is like a second home to me I have spend summers there since I younger. When I'm not there I crave it. Camp to me was always magical growing up. It could always make me happy, the people who were there always made me feel loved. The summer after I graduated I only was there for an hour, and the summer after that I didn't go at all. So not being there for two years was killing me. In the spring I knew I had to go back to camp.

Working at camp wasn't easy. It was frustrating, with long hours. It was hot and we spent hours outside in the sun. It was disorganized and drove me mad. But it was lovely and fun. We got to play in the water and go ziplining and ride horses. We made bonds with our co-workers and changed lives. We showed kids what it was like to follow Jesus.

I loved camp. I can't wait to be back there, not wasting time.

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