The box of hidden treasures

I was talking to a friend earlier this week and they were speaking about someone who was saying they were a Christian but they had never read the Bible. She brought up an interesting idea; how can we truly be Christians if we haven't read the Bible or try to follow it especially the New Testament. Now, I can say that I have read a good chunk of the Bible, but I certainly have not read it all the way through, or even the New Testament all the way through . So I was thinking that I am going to try to do that, this summer, or at least try to pave quite a bit of the way through it. I am excited to start. Reading the Bible is such a learning experience, I have never come away from reading it and not taken away something valuable.

1 comment:

  1. I just started to read it too, 2 chapters of the New Testament each day starting with Matthew. You should too! I'm only on Matthew 16 I think.

    It's funny because my pastor here in Battle Creek gave a message two weeks ago about how it's so hard to get into the habit of waking up and reading the Bible EVERY day and truly enjoying and learning from it (I feel terrible saying that but it's sometimes an obligation for me rather than something I look forward to doing daily). He then compared it to running; it's hard and not very enjoyable but with persistance and going every day even when you don't want to, you eventually hit a point one day where you truly enjoy it and where your days aren't the same if you don't go (or read).

    His message was on wearing the shield of faith in Ephesians 6. Back then he said that the soldiers would wear a shield made out of leather that they'd have to soak in water every day to keep from cracking but also so it'd be moist. When they'd get shot at with flaming arrows from the opponent, the arrows would immediately be extinguished and they'd be able to continue fighting. When we continually "soak ourselves" in the Word, we're able to put out the "flaming arrows" of the Devil and stand firm in our faith.

    Sorry this was kinda long, but I really enjoyed the message and it really motivated me to read more of the Bible because I've never read the whole New Testament either.

    Love you :)
