"It is a risk to love.
What if it doesn't work out?
Ah but what if it does."
-Peter McWilliams

I don't have time to be mad

 This semester I have been learning a lot letting go of being angry and the people I love. With this being my last semester with some people, or my second to last for others I have really seen that there is no time to waste.

I am an angry person usually, so do not read this and think that this was easy for me to learn. People hurt each other, that is just how life goes, and all too often I would take things super personal and hold a grudge. Then it occurred to me that staying mad at someone you love is a waste of time. Not only is it a waste of time, but also a huge waste of energy. I could choose to be pissed off, but then I'm wasting valuable time that I could be enjoying with that person.

So let it go, get over it, is it more important than the time you could be spending with someone you love?

I quite frankly don't have time to be mad, and neither do you.