
Since I'm in another country I have to blog about it right?

So I got to Cambodia on Friday late. We were so tired from being on planes for more than a day straight. As soon as we got to the hotel we all crashed.

There are some differences that I have been noticing here that I want the talk about.

1. Napkins: seriously it is so hard to find books and here and when you do they're these tiny little squares that are super thin and not very helpful. There is a reason though...

2. Garbage: they do not have garbage cans everywhere like we do. You not notice it but in the US we have garbage cans everywhere: on sidewalks, in bathrooms, next to couches, next to doorways, at the end of halls, etc. Here it is hard to find a place to their anything away. This leads to people littering ask over the streets. Driving around Cambodia you see garbage strewn everywhere.

3. Time:  okay so this isn't necessarily about the culture, but there is a twelve hour time difference. It absolutely boggles my mind that when I go to sleep at ten here everyone I love is one the other side of the world just getting up. While I'm also everyone is awake, while I'm awake everyone is asleep. It's just crazy.

4. Traffic: there is probably a 1:8 car to moto ratio here. Although there are sometimes lines painted on the street drivers don't really adhere to them. People just drive wherever they need to. Turning left they just start going without waiting for there to be a break in oncoming traffic. They just go and people have to either stop for them or dodge them (which they are masters at). Even crossing the street is like that you just have to start walking and hope they go around you.

I miss everyone at home a lot and I'm trying not to let that get in the way of me enjoying tell trip. There are some really great people in my group and we're  all getting along great which I love.

That's all I have for now, I'll keep you updated!

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