blog in which I rant about quite a few subjects.

first things first, 
I will categorize 
the rants by bolding
each section, 
then if you want to 
skip ahead to another,
you may do so.

We have a talents for Christ chapel at the end of every year, and this morning we had one for just the Music students. It was amazingggg. I loved it. 
-The first song was a song done by the brass ensemble, it is called Fanfare for the Common Man, I know this because my high school band played it last year! Needless to say, our high school band played it about a million times better than the SAU students did, which made me proud haha. It brought back good memories of band, I miss it, I was reminded of my role as a tam tam player.
-The Jazz combo played amazingly well! It was really fun to listen to and I really enjoyed the song that they did, once again, it made me miss band.
-There was a girl who played piano and it was beautiful. Her hands moved so fast, but she made it sound effortless. She is the most talented person I have seen play piano so far, it was great!
-Lastly, there was a string quartet, and if you know me at all you would know that regardless of what they play I am drawn to it. The piece they did was awesome. It started off with really hollow windy sounds. Then they played a short section of the famous Titanic tune, while playing they took turns standing up and then down to form a sort of wave, it was really funny. Then they played a pirates of the Caribbean medley. I recorded some of it on my phone, but I don't think that it is as goo as actually having the whole thing. I want to see it done again it was so good! They got a standing ovation.
Bravo string quartet people. Well done.

So, the next piece of business, UMBRELLAS on a college campus.
They are a must. If you do not walk around with an umbrella when it is pouring out, I will judge you and justifiably deem you a complete idiot.
No umbrella in the pouring rain= IDIOT

, a beautiful and glorious political rant. It won't be too intense I promise. So last night I was having a conversation with a friend about our nation's peoples freedoms. This country was supposed to be based on freedom correct? So we should be allowed to have those freedoms that this country was based on.
Illegal drugs, same sex marriage, smoking in a public place, I do not agree with any of these things, but who am I to take away these things from other people, who are the people of the government to do so. 
-People who do illegal drugs WILL do them regardless of whether they are illegal or not, more violence occurs because they are illegal if you are taking drugs you're only harming yourself, it should be your choice not the government's.
-Who is the government to theoretically tell the people who they can and cannot be in love with? Who is it hurting if two people of the same sex get married? Honestly, no one.
- If a business owner has a bar and chooses to allow smoking inside that is their choice and NO ONE is being forced to walk into that bar where there is smoke. If one walks into a restaurant and sees that there are people smoking in it they have two choices, leave, or stay. The end, it should not be a government's choice it is the customer's choice.
These are only three of many many more examples that one could look at. The government is wasting their time in making laws just to control the citizens.
this rant isn't even covering all the economic issues that goes along with these ridiculous laws, but i don't have the time or energy to go into that whole thing. 
Really though,

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