Hello Hello Hello,

Meet me halfway? Right on the borderline is where I'm going to wait for you.

Alrighty, I'm tired of working already, I've been working about four days a week at night, also, I have been babysitting three times a week, but money is money I guess.

I talked to Jon for a while on Monday and I guess we are going to try to start talking again, we'll see it goes.

So, I am a person who literally cannot hold a grudge for very long, and most people say that it is a huge strength of mine, but sometimes I'm not so sure, I think it may also be a weakness. I feel like the fact that I let everyone off easily makes them think that they can do something terrible to me and get away with it. I hate that. I don't want people to not care whether they hurt me or not just because I won't be mad for very long and some people who I let off the hook easily don't deserve it, they don't deserve to be in my life yet I let them right back in. I don't know this is just one thing I have been thinking about lately.

Another thing I have been thinking about a lotish this week; the line between honesty, kindness, and being pushed around. This is super hard for me to define. Because so many people in my life have been dishonest I think I have taken it upon myself to be the most honest person everyone knows, which becomes hard at times, not because I want to lie, but because I think I am too honest. When I am too honest it is hard for me to see the line between being honest and unkind. Then with kindness, I feel like a lot of people are fake with the way they are nice to other and it is hard for me to be like that because I don't want to be fake. I don't know what to do at this point, I'm just trying really hard to just be as honest as I need to be and be super nice to everyone.

These are the complexes of my life as of now haha I hope you enjoyed, if you have any advice let me know.


  1. Being "too" honest isn't necessarily always unkind... I like it when people are 100% honest with me. It all just depends on how you say the truth. And also whether being honest or even saying anything at all is really necessary in the situation. I dunno if that really makes sense but that's my two cents :)

  2. I recently had a conversation with someone recently about honesty. We both need people to be completely blunt with us or it leaves too much room for interpretation. I'd rather you tell me you don't feel like hanging out with me today than feed me a bunch of excuses about why you can't hang out today. Flat out telling me implies you don't want to be around me today, not that you're sick of me as a person.
    The point is honesty can sometimes sound harsh but it's so much better for everyone involved.
    As for the grudge thing- I know. I'm the same way. But sometimes being able to put yourself out there and give people second chances when most would say they don't deserve it can speak volumes to a person. It can mean a lot to them.

  3. yeah, to both of you haha, that is why I became so honest I'm glad to know that you both see why I do it.
