I need to stop with all this no title nonsense

Today after class got out a little late I went to go get lunch quickly before my next class. When I arrived at the building I was greeted by one of my roommates. It was bizarre seeing her in "real life" as we like to call it because we never see each other outside of our room, or intentionally hanging out.

Then, we got to discussing something interesting, if we didn't have the same mutual friends we probably never would have crossed paths, or very rarely. This thought lead us to thinking about how many people there are that go to school with us that we never have an opportunity to cross paths with. Different majors, different schedules, and different extracurricular activities make for a lot of strangers.

Thinking about all of those people that you never meet, or even cross paths with when you're in such close proximity to them is interesting. So if we have hundreds of people that we are near that this happens to, think about all the people on the planet you will never know. This was just a thought I found interesting today.

1 comment:

  1. And this is the reason you need to live life, meet as many people as possible, which will lead to more people, which will lead to a very full life. On the flip side, it's amazing how wonderfully connected people are and how small the world really is.
