My most life changing experiences

My most life changing experiences:

Becoming a follower of Jesus; he gives me messages of hope and love and joy. Without Him I would just be a dry soul who is longing for something more. Because if Him I am alive and well.

Camp; it's so completely stretching. You have to  work with people that you struggle to get along with, but you also the privilege of becoming close friends with many. It tries your patience and tests both your physical and emotional endurance. The campground becomes a place that you can call home for the rest of your life. You have long days and short weeks and summer is gone in the blink of an eye. You meet all kinds of people that teach you all kinds of things no matter if they are age 9 or age 60. Working at a camp is one of the hardest most rewarding things a person could do.

College; there are so many different kinds of people, but they're all the same. One of the hardest things that I have had to learn, was that in order to actually learn, and retain information to have to want it. If you don't want it then all efforts are futile. There are so many things that are out there that you don't yet know about, in this case ignorance is not bliss (was it really ever).

Getting my heart broken; the pain of it all almost makes me smile now, not because it was fun, and not because I exaggerated it, or because I'm positive that I won't ever have to go through it again, but because I made it through. I made it through a pain that I couldn't ever see ending. No one but Jesus and I carried me through that and I get to smile and be proud of that accomplishment.

Getting 14" cut off of my hair; it may sound vapid and shallow, but it was like a breath of fresh air. I felt weighed down by an expectation that I placed on myself to be somebody that I wasn't just because I had long hair and I sort of lost myself. It sounds ridiculous, but to me it isn't. "A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life" -Coco Chanel

Nannying; both in high school and this summer. In high school I nannied for three years for kids I adore. They were my inspiration for becoming a teacher. This summer nannying and babysitting gave me a lot of insight as to what some of the families of my future students will be dealing with.

I like to be open with things I've learned, because it is my hope you can read what I have written and take something useful away from it, get out there and experience life, there's no better way to learn.

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