second to last question :O

15. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you? A good friend moving away because you still actually want to be around each other, you just can’t


thiss weekend

Soo going home was fun. I went to the basket ball game with erin and it was really fun. for the second half of the game we went up and sat with the percussionists. I enjoyed seeing everyone. before we went up top erin and i promised each other that we wouldn't play with the band lol. afterward we went to dq with some friends. i changed the names of my friends contacts in his phone; ex: tami = green bean salad, and such it was funny anyway that is about it.


snow and ice and winter.

the trees are icy and all the plants are iced over and it is beautiful I have pictures which I will put up later but I just loveeee the way it looks.

Next task at hand, question of the dayyy.

14. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? Somewhat, I don’t complain a whole lot which is good and I will to things for you and make you feel at home in my place, I give great advice and I believe I have a little wisdom, but I’m not open enough, I do not share enough about my life to anyone, a lot of times I’m too lazy to go out of my way for a friend, but on a good day I will. Who knows?

i don't believe in "saving energy" but this is funny


I have a new favoritishhh song this video is soo sweet (:

skiing extravaganza!


so this weekend I went skiing and it was SO fun. I hung out with my sister and one of my very good friends. I fell going down the steepest hill there because I was fooling around haaha. That is the first time I've fallen in probably years and I've been skiing since I was three. Anywayyy... I have a video of it. Enjoy

City and Colour

Is so cool. He is an amazingly talented guy I love his music, his voice is very soothing even when his lyrics aren't. My favorite of his songs so far is The Girl. I anyone happened to come across on of or all of his lovely cds and let me borrow/ have them that would be cool haha...

some lyrics from the song

I wish I could do better by you, cause its what you deserve. You sacrifice so much of your whole life in order for this to work.While I'm off chasing my own dreams, sailing around the world, please know that I'm yours to keep, my beautiful girl.When you cry a piece of my heart dies, knowing that I may have been the cause,

here's two questions since the first one is short and I didn't do one yesterday...

12. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? Joyful
13.Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend? Somewhat, I don’t complain a whole lot which is good and I will to things for you and make you feel at home in my place, I give great advice and I believe I have a little wisdom, but I’m not open enough, I do not share enough about my life to anyone, a lot of times I’m too lazy to go out of my way for a friend, but on a good day I will. Who knows?

do you agree? which ones do you disagree with?

  1. When she stares at your mouth, smile...then kiss her.
  2. When she pushes you or hit's you, hug her tight.
  3. When she starts cursing at you, say I love you.
  4. When she's quiet, hold her hand and ask what's wrong.
  5. When she ignores you, act cute so she'll notice you.
  6. When she pulls away, pull her back.
  7. When you see her at her worst, tell her you love her and she still looks amazing.
  8. When you see her walking, approach her...give a kiss on the cheek.
  9. When she's scared, assure her you're not going to leave her.
  10. When she lays her head on your shoulder, tilt your head too...and hold her hand.
  11. When she steals your favorite hat, let her keep it.
  12. When she teases you, tease her back and make her laugh.
  13. When she grabs at your hands, hold hers and play with her fingers.
  14. When she bumps into you, bump into her back and make her laugh.
  15. When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold.
  16. When she is sick, stay up all night with her.
  17. When she's bored, hang out with her.
  18. When she wants to see her favorite movie or show, watch it with her even if you think it's stupid.
  19. When she says she's okay, don't believe it…talk to her.
  20. When she looks at you in your eyes, don't look away until she does.
  21. When she doesn't answer for a long time, reassure her that everything is okay.
  22. When she looks at you with doubt, back yourself up.
  23. When she misses you, she's hurting inside.
  24. When you break or hurt her heart, the pain never really goes away.
  25. When she says it's over, she still wants you to be hers.
  26. When she's not saying anything, stay on the phone with her.
  27. When you see her start crying, hold her...ask her what's wrong.
  28. Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her.
  29. Call her before you sleep and after you wake up.
  30. Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
  31. Let her wear your clothes.
  32. Let her know she's important.
  33. Kiss her in the pouring rain.
  34. Give her the world.

I made cupcakes, They are beautiful and delicious...


I've noticed that people like to read about themselves and see that someone has written about them.

I've a little tad bit, a lot upset and I hate my emotions. theend.

p.s. if i don't go to Chicago for spring break I will jump of the Effel Tower. jk. but seriously.

Fredrick, oh how you are missed

I had a dream that I found the cutest most cuddly cat. I named him FREDRICK I then proceeded to ask Aubrey if we could please keep him and hide him in our room, being a cat lover herself, she said yes. We then make our cute kitty a little fish suit and put it on him, it was adorable. We also taught him how to hid when anyone came in the room. My RA came into the room and saw him so we had to give him up and I mourned him for quite some time, but it was alright because I got to go visit him whenever I wanted and our bond was still strong.

2. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why? Illinois it is the same climate as Michigan it is close to Michigan it shares lakes with Michigan, and Chicago is there.
So I went to visit Erin yesterday, twasss sweet. Her guy friend dyed his hair fushia, it was kind of odd... oh well haha,

so here is the question of the day.

11. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of? I’m not sure yet.

10.What is one thing have you not done that you really want to do?  What’s holding you back? Get married have kids and grow old happily teaching 3 year olds. I am not old enough, I do not have enough money, and I do not yet have a degree
When you find a man
Who transforms
Every part of you
Into poetry,
Who makes each one of your hairs
Into a poem,
When you find a man,
As I am
Of bathing and adorning you
With poetry,
I will beg you
To follow him without hesitation,
It is not important
That you belong to me or him
But that you belong to poetry.
Translation by Bassam K. Frangieh
and Clementina R. Brown

danceblogdance NOW


so on a side note why is Ashley Tisdale 25 years old and still acting on shows as a sixteen year old?


8. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? Be careful in judging which lines to cross and which lines to stay behind.