your smile is your best accessory

House sitting is a weird thing. I'm house sitting for friends of the family and it's weird being in someone else's house. It's all good though cause it's kind of nice being away from my house with no parents feels like college ahhh.

Hannah and I are watching one of my favorite shows, That 70's Show, it is hilarious and we crack up every time we watch.

I got my hair highlighted today and I loveee it. My mother said, "uhh I liked it better darker...". I'm like wow thanks Mom.

My softball team won a playoff game tonight and now we have the championship game Thursday! I'm so excited I hope we win we beat the team with the number one spot so hopefully that means we will win.

On a completely different note, I hate people, people suck, if you haven't talked to me in two weeks or did something to piss me off, go screw yourself.


my new glasses came in, they make me super happy and I love them, just thought I should let everyone know.

also, is it pathetic that I have never really been to Canada, I've driven through, but I haven't really stayed there. I kinda want to go just for the heck of it, I think I might tomorrow (:

Oh Sandusky, I love the drama that you come with. This summer has made me so happy that I came home, because I never get to have people being this dramatic and mean at school. I wish that I could pack up all of the villagers of Sandusky into a big old bag and bring them and their theatrics back to school with me.

None of this is sarcasm. At all. I'm not kidding. Really.

Okay. Maybe I am.