Set a fire down in my soul that I can't contain that I can't control, I want more of you God, I need more of you God. Make me burn for you.

“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11)
Think about it from my point of view.

I would love if you just realized that you will never have this chance again to spend this much time with me, and in the future when you look back and think about it you will wish you would have realized how dumb you are being. I'm going to be living on my own and not visiting nearly as much soon. We will have two completely separate lives and we won't have a chance to be together like we are now, so just take a moment and think about it. Is it really a question of him vs. me?

The forgotten masses

It's crazy how one second someone is a huge part of your life, and then the next they are out of it like they were never there to begin with. You lose a best friend and never get that person back. You never back get those little pieces of them that made you love them to begin with, like their sense of humor or their smile or the way they get something that you thought only you could understand before you met them. Those pieces of that person leave you forever, sometimes without even a proper goodbye. Isn't it crazy that we can pour ourselves into another soul, and then quickly say goodbye and forget about them like they never meant anything to us. I struggle to understand how easily we dispose of ones we once loved. I guess I never will. I'll just try to forget about it like they so easily forget all the memories we ever created together.

Sir Francis Drake

Disturb us, Lord, when
We are too pleased with ourselves,
When our dreams have come true
Because we dreamed too little,
When we arrived safely
Because we sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb us, Lord, when
With the abundance of things we possess
We have lost our thirst
For the waters of life;
Having fallen in love with life,
We have ceased to dream of eternity
And in our efforts to build a new earth,
We have allowed our vision
Of the new Heaven to dim.

Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,
To venture on wilder seas
Where storms will show Your mastery;
Where losing sight of land,
We shall find the stars.

We ask you to push back
The horizons of our hopes;
And to push back the future
In strength, courage, hope, and love.

This we ask in the name of our Captain,
Who is Jesus Christ.


Hey, it's me. You always tell me that I need to love other people, and I do love some of them, but all of them? How am I supposed to love everyone? Love is your greatest commandment and it's definitely one of the hardest to keep. You love everyone, unconditionally, no matter what wrong they do, no matter how evil they may be, and I can't even love the few frustrating people I'm around. I think mean thoughts about people, even if I don't verbalize them. Some people make it look easy, to love everyone. They go about their week without getting angry or annoyed or frustrated with anyone and I cannot understand it. You created us all with different personalities, but why can't one aspect of my personality make it easier for me to love people. I just wish that it wasn't so hard for me. I love you, and I know you love me, so please help me live out one of your greatest commandments and love people.


You always say you want to know how we work and what we're really saying when we say something or do something. And now I will reveal the deepest inter-workings of our minds that you always knew, or should have known, but just ignored. After reading this you will no longer be able to use your ignorance as an excuse.

1. When we get mad "for no reason"

We are not really mad, most times. We are using anger instead of showing you how hurt we are because we don't want you to see the pain you caused us. We are not mad for no reason, there is a reason and if you ask about it and we don't tell you it's because we want you to figure it out. We want you to figure it out because it is a test to see if you care enough to search for the answer or if you will just give up.

2. If you say you're sorry

We will most likely forgive you. We do not hold grudges most times. All we want is an apology, something to let us know that you acknowledge the fact that you hurt us and you are sorry. If you just swallow your pride and admit that you were wrong we will be satisfied and leave you alone.

3. Why do women gang up on you

We feel like you won't stick with us or stand up for us, so we must stick together.We understand the emotions that our fellow women are going through and so we help each other out when we feel it is necessary.

4. You are clearly interested in us, why is nothing happening?

We don't know what "clearly" is. We need to know point blank what you are thinking/ feeling about us. We can't just assume that you like us. We over analyze everything and try to read into things that really don't mean anything. If you are clear with us, we will try to be clear with you about how we feel. Don't make us guess how you feel just tell us.

5. Why do we get mad when you decide to go do something differently than what was originally planned?

Be up front with us. If you don't want to hang out, just say so. We will be so much more upset if you don't just tell us right away. When we say, "hey you want to hang out later" we would rather have you say no or maybe but I'm not sure, than have you tell us yes and then ditch us later. We really are not that unreasonable we just want to be treated fairly.

6. We don't like to be told we're overreacting

Or be told we're being over dramatic. We don't even like it when you sigh really big and act like we are overreacting. When you say that it makes us feel like you don't care about how we feel and we're just making a big fuss about something. Even if it is a little thing to you it matters to us, so even if you don't care, at least pretend you do.

7. Don't insult us and think it is alright.

It isn't funny. It just gets us more fired up, and it definitely doesn't lighten the mood. Insulting us is not a way to get us to laugh and it is never funny. Even if it doesn't make us mad, it's awkward and not cool. It may be funny to go back and forth with your guy friends, but we don't enjoy it.

8. Why do we do what we do?

Mostly we just want to know you care. Behind every action is the mentality that the correct response is to show us that you care about us.

You know that scene in the lion king


I don't even know.

Why is this world so broken? Or even this country?

We have legalized the murder of billions of babies, but we won't legalize gay marriage?
This is murder vs. love?

Who are you to say that it is right to murder a child?
Who are you to say that the love between two people is wrong?