God is

God is not a man, God is not a white man.
God is not a man sitting on a cloud.
God cannot be bought.
God will not be boxed in.
God will not be owned by religion.

 God is love and He loves everyone.

God is not a man, God is not an old man.
God does not belong to republicans.
God is not a flag, not even American.
And God does not depend on a government.

God is good and He loves everyone.

Atheist and charlatans and communists and lesbians; catholic or protestant terrorists and protestants, everybody, God he loves us all.


A new book

Why is it that most young adult books usually have their main character as a teenage girl who is getting swept off of her feet by a guy. Let's get real, a lot of us get swept up into that sometimes, but that's not what I want to read about. It is so hard to find a book about a college student, and even more rare to find a book about a college student who isn't in love, or falling in love.  Dumb.

I want to read a book about a girl who goes to college with a boyfriend and gets her heart broken. And then she heals. A book where she's dumb and makes mistakes. A book where there's heartache and pain, because that's life. A book where it's okay that's she's single, because she's not alone and she's not lonely. In a book like this, the girl doesn't need to be with a guy to feel accepted and loved because she has so much love flowing to her from other people. She has friends who love her and most importantly a God loves her. Now I know what you're thinking, where's the fun in that. Where's the adventure. But I'm sure that if there was such a book there would be plenty of adventure along the way. I want a book that's real, and encouraging, for all those girls in college who think they're alone. I want them to know that there is so much more to life than the romance of a man. These girls should know that they shouldn't be sitting around waiting for their husband to come along, but living life and enjoying every second of it; whether they're "alone" or not.

I am so old

The semester is done tomorrow. Holla?

Learning lessons the hard way

Today, was rough.

In all the little ways that add up. The good news is that I learned so much. No regrets.
So here are a few things I learned:

  • Never go to Walmart on Saturday afternoons, especially, in December.

  • Don't park in the commuter lot... ever.

  • It's probably your best bet to skip the opening band.

  • If McDonalds has two lies, it's not worth the wait.
  • If you're going to be in a spotlight you shouldn't wear a sparkly dress.

I need to stop with all this no title nonsense

Today after class got out a little late I went to go get lunch quickly before my next class. When I arrived at the building I was greeted by one of my roommates. It was bizarre seeing her in "real life" as we like to call it because we never see each other outside of our room, or intentionally hanging out.

Then, we got to discussing something interesting, if we didn't have the same mutual friends we probably never would have crossed paths, or very rarely. This thought lead us to thinking about how many people there are that go to school with us that we never have an opportunity to cross paths with. Different majors, different schedules, and different extracurricular activities make for a lot of strangers.

Thinking about all of those people that you never meet, or even cross paths with when you're in such close proximity to them is interesting. So if we have hundreds of people that we are near that this happens to, think about all the people on the planet you will never know. This was just a thought I found interesting today.