Me: would you want to live forever?
Elaina: no, I barely want to live now!
Earlier in the year when I began to think about what I wanted to do this summer, I wasn't exactly sure what I should do. I prayed a lot about it and still it seemed unclear to me what God wanted me to do. Then, things started to fall in place so that I could stay in Spring Arbor over the summer. I ended up getting a part time nannying job, along with four or so other random fill in jobs.

I didn't even think about the possibility of learning a lot through working this summer which is a naive thought.  I have only been working for two weeks, but I have been learning so much, about kids, and teaching, parenting, and just life in general. Some of the struggles that the family is going through is showing me a lot. I can only hope to learn so much more than I already have this summer.

"It is a risk to love.
What if it doesn't work out?
Ah, but what if it does."

-Peter McWilliams

Feels good to be home

Another wonderful night with my sister.

Why do I even bother.

The box of hidden treasures

I was talking to a friend earlier this week and they were speaking about someone who was saying they were a Christian but they had never read the Bible. She brought up an interesting idea; how can we truly be Christians if we haven't read the Bible or try to follow it especially the New Testament. Now, I can say that I have read a good chunk of the Bible, but I certainly have not read it all the way through, or even the New Testament all the way through . So I was thinking that I am going to try to do that, this summer, or at least try to pave quite a bit of the way through it. I am excited to start. Reading the Bible is such a learning experience, I have never come away from reading it and not taken away something valuable.

The beginning of the sunrise

So I have been running.

That's right, you read it right, I said running.
I have ran four days in a row, and I am so proud of myself. Seriously!
Four days may not seem like much to anyone, but it's huge to me.
I hope I can keep it up.

In other news, I have a house! Weird to call it "my house", but it is. Right now it is pretty dirty. Over the course of the past year there have been at least seven different guys that have been in and out of the house, causing it to be one of the dirtiest houses I have ever stepped foot in. But I am not worried, because in a week the last of the guys will be gone and my roommate and I will be able to clean up the house and make it look awesome.

I am staying in Spring Arbor this summer nannying various children. So far the kids have been great, and it has proven to be a pretty great job. Also, there are quite a few people that are living here this summer that I will be able to chill with. This week has been one of the longest weeks of my life! In a good way of course. I have been super busy and doing stuff constantly which has been good, there has been no time to be bored.

Hopefully it will stay like this.